My Crazy Hair Day

Welcome to Vintij Booty, I'm Glad You're Here!

Hello World...

This is my first blog post. I have been wanting to make one for some time now, but had too many things going on to actually start one. While exploring one of my other "idea's" I happened to luck out and get a blog page too! SO woohoo!

First off about the store - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Treasure Hunting! Treasures or 'Booty', are in the eye of the beholder and I love finding unique and odd items. From vintage typewriters to antique castration tools, I love finding new things!

This blog not only brings me closer to you, but it also signifies the beginning of a new life for me. Freshly divorced from a 25 years marriage that took over 2 years to accomplish, I discovered I have been a victim of domestic abuse for nearly all of my life. It has mentally taken a toll but I want to move forward, and I need to get it out. 

More drama to come, but more treasures too! I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

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